State of vCenter clusters via new API

5 votes

In the REST API in vCenter, it is possible to see the HA status of all clusters in a vCenter.
E.g: https://${hostname}/rest/vcenter/cluster
The vCenter web client has an API Eplorer (in the Developer Center)
where it is possible to see what the different parts of the REST API can do for you.
From what I understand, Checkmk uses the old API and not the REST API for vCenter.
I've implemented this as a Nagios compatible BASH script that works with Checkmk, but I believe that it would be better to use the REST API.
I don't know if there is any end-of-life of the old AI, but I imagine that they will favor the REST API in the future. Maybe it's time to switch over?

Under consideration Checks&Agents Suggested by: Lars-Erik Johansson Upvoted: 25 Oct Comments: 1

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